When a person opens his eyes and sees light for the very first time, he instinctively flinches, squints, and slowly adjusts. So it is with all of us when we discovered the truth about "the truth." We all are at different stages: some of us are still flinching, some are squinting, some are slowly adjusting, and others are now wide-eyed and loving the light. Although, some unfortunately will close their eyes again, how can you keep your eyes closed after seeing something as awesome as the sun for the first time? You can't.
This gentleman is in the earliest stages. He is seeing light for the first time, flinching, not understanding what it is that's hurting his eyes - but once you see it, you can never go back to the darkness.
Cedars, take heart. Let him know he's not alone. Encourage him to think - to research it out. This is a self-discovery process. JWStruggle is a great place for this fellow to start his journey.
The WTS is as flimsy as a house of cards. We're at a point in time when they've painted themselves into a tight corner. The weight of 130 years is starting to take its toll. More people than we realize are starting to see it too. It doesn't take much logic and research for any thinking human being to start to see through the problems. This guy is a thinker... he's trying to connect the dots. He will. And the brain can't undo what it discovers.